The first version of the Weather set
July 27, 2020By Jan KovaříkUpdates

It almost seems like the demand for apps showing various weather conditions is never ending and it kind of makes sense, as depending on the weather, we often plan our whole day ahead. Almost everybody have some kind of weather app installed on their phone or desktop computer. So naturally, I've been getting a lot of requests for weather icons during the last few years and now I finally had some time to create them.
When I was about to start to work on this set, I had to sit down and dig deeper in the topic of weather forecast. At first, I hoped to find some kind of standardized set of weather symbols, that I could use as a reference. It turned out, that there are such symbols, but they are very “technical” at least and are obviously used mostly just by meteorologists internally.
As I was searching further, for any truly worldwide recognizable weather symbols, it became obvious, that they really don’t exist. I think the main reason is, that although some typical weather events are similar across the planet (such as rain, clear, cloudy, etc.), due to different geographical location and unique climate in each country, each place has a number of its own specific weather conditions and thus needs its own symbols.
Of course my goal wasn’t to cover all possible variations and weather conditions that exist, but rather to pick-up the most used ones and build a default weather icon set, that is easy to use and contains all the basic icons you may need.
As always, one of the biggest challenges was to keep all icons in set visually compatible and interchangeable with other GLYPHICONS icons. On top of that, this set shares few icons from the Basic set, because I simply couldn’t not to include icons such as thermometer or tornado, when creating weather icon set ;)
But, even so, it’s possible that you’ll need some other icons, that you’d think are essential – in that case, please let me know at: and I promise to consider it at least and to add it on my to-do list for the next update.
That’s about it for the new Weather set. I hope you’ll like these new icons and that they will become another valuable tool in your design toolkit.