Farm set update 1.1
May 21, 2024By Jan KovaříkUpdates
It's been a while since the initial release of the Farm set, but now, since spring is here, it's a perfect time to spend more time outside, around the house, and of course in the garden.
May 21, 2024By Jan KovaříkUpdates
It's been a while since the initial release of the Farm set, but now, since spring is here, it's a perfect time to spend more time outside, around the house, and of course in the garden.
January 03, 2024By Jan KovaříkUpdates
Last fall, I was working on a small set of custom icons, and several of them required the integration of short numerical values. Additionally, the client needed a few small illustrations, a number of which should also contain brief texts.
November 23, 2022By Jan KovaříkUpdates
As you probably already know, when I'm creating any new icon set, I'm always trying to draw from what I know or have at least some little personal experience. Although it may seem a bit unlikely with the Farm set, it's actually no different this time. You may think: Wait – what? You're graphic designer, not a farmer, right?
October 25, 2021By Jan KovaříkThoughts
Unless you spent the last few years isolated somewhere alone in the wilderness, you must have heard about NFTs. A new form of buying, selling, and creating digital art – today often referred simply as cryptoart. The market with cryptoart is growing every day and people are trading, as there's no tomorrow.
August 10, 2021By Jan KovaříkUpdates
It started as routine work on yet another icon set and ended up as the second-largest icon set I’ve ever made. While at the first glance, this set may seem trivial, the amount of "invisible" work and total time I devoted to this set is something I'll remember for a long time, that's for sure :) You may think – phew, they are just simple arrows, right? What was so complicated about it? It turned out that that pretty much everything.
June 22, 2021By Jan KovaříkUpdates
Summer is here in full force. Except for a few short trips, I don't plan any traditional vacation this year, so my hope is, that I'll have more time to work on new updates and brand new sets as well. The following two updates are not particularly huge, but since they are bringing some long-awaited icons (especially in Halflings set), you could say they are important updates. Let's get to them.
June 21, 2021By Jan KovaříkAnnouncements
I've never been good at marketing. My first thought was always: a quality product must suffice on its own to be successful. You could say that I was against doing any marketing in a traditional sense at all. Luckily, a good friend of mine has extensive experience in this field and offered me help. It turned out I was wrong. Marketing isn't bad in general, I only used to see its very rough and sometimes even manipulative methods. But it can be actually useful to both parts, sellers, and customers as well, and truly helps to resolve various problems.
February 01, 2021By Jan KovaříkUpdates
These updates are both (Basic set and Halflings set as well) rather "technical", as most of the new icons were made upon on requests I received during the last year. Some of them should be already part of the previous update, but I wasn't able to finalize them in time. So, in the dry language of numbers, with 30 new icons it's 1060+ icons for Basic set and 30 new icons in Halflings set make a nice equal number of 300+ icons.