🌱 Spring is here, and with it come new icons in the Farm set v1.1! Check it out or read more on the blog.


Contagion set

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It's an unequal fight with an invisible enemy. We may not be able to stop it completely yet, but we can slow it down by diligent hygiene, physical distancing and by protecting ourselves and others with face masks of all kind. Stay safe and healthy.
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face-temperature-high icon

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feverheathigh temperatureillnesssymptomthermometer

face-temperature-normal icon

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healthynormal temperaturewellnessbaselinestablethermometer

face-temperature-low icon

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hypothermiacoolcoldlow temperaturewellnesssymptom

hand-disinfection-drops icon
hand-disinfection-spray icon

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sanitizersprayantibacterialdisinfectionhand hygienehealthcare

pacient-virus icon

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infectedillnesscaresick personquarantinetreatment

pacient-improving icon
pacient-check icon

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examinationreviewassessmenthealth checkevaluation

pacient-sleeping icon
face-mask-hand-sewn icon

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reusabledust maskrespiratorffp1ffp2ffp3handmadecloth mask

home-lock-indoor icon
face-mask-clean icon

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disinfectedsanitizedcleanhygienesafetyready to use

mobile-phone-clean icon
vaccination-two-times icon

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double doseboosterimmunizationsecond shothealthcareprevention

door-handle-clean icon

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sanitizeddisinfectedhygienegerm-freetouch surface safety

tongue-remove icon
tongue-marks icon

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tasteflavorappetitepalateindentationbite marks

tongue-pill icon

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tasteflavorappetitepalatemedicationoral drug

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