🌱 New update for Farm set is here, and with it new icons! Check it out or read more on the blog.


Basic set update 2.4 and Halflings set update 2.2

February 01, 2021By Jan KovaříkUpdates

Basic set update 2.4 and Halflings set update 2.2

These updates are both (Basic set and Halflings set as well) rather "technical", as most of the new icons were made upon on requests I received during the last year. Some of them should be already part of the previous update, but I wasn't able to finalize them in time. So, in the dry language of numbers, with 30 new icons it's 1060+ icons for Basic set and 30 new icons in Halflings set make a nice equal number of 300+ icons.

After the last update of Basic set, I was asking you for any ideas you might have on how to celebrate the 10th anniversary of GLYPHICONS. You’ve sent me a few ideas but in the end I’ve decided to rather completely skip any celebration at all and I’ve made the new Contagion set instead – it is available now for only 10 USD or for free, so be sure you don’t miss this one out!

Back to the current updates

GLYPHICONS Basic set v 2.4

  • Version 2.4 released 04/02/2021

    * 30 new icons
    * 1 icon was fixed
    * new search tags and categories were added on the website

I’m glad I was able to finally make a decent “tongue/mouth” icon, which can also represent a sense of taste or contextually anything else related to it. While I was at it, I thought that Basic set would also deserve a long time missing symbol for “nose”, which can express everything tied to the sense of smell. These two I needed in different variations in the new Contagion set, so it was only logical to have their plain versions in Basic set, where they belong.

GLYPHICONS Halflings set v 2.2

  • Version 2.2 released 04/02/2021

    * 30 new icons
    * new search tags and categories were added on the website

It’s been a while since the last Halflings set update. Smaller versions of a “car” or “truck” icon were on my to do list for a long time. Based on a number of requests for smaller “battery” icons, it’s obviously something you needed, so I made these in different variations. Last but not least, you often asked me for a tiny “man” and “woman” icons from Humans set and they are there, also as a couple.

Small changes on glyphicons.com

As you may already have noticed, there is a number of smaller changes across the website and its content.

The biggest change is probably the home page, which is now centered – thanks to this new layout, I was able to move all universal information common for all icon sets in the bottom part of the home page and make the detail pages for each icon set significantly shorter and clearer.

The information about the latest updates will remain on all pages in top announcement bar and as a small colored badge right next to the name of the set as before.

Because the new Contagion set is available also for free (under CC license), I had to somehow clearly distinguish between the two versions and that’s why each “buy button” now also contains info about the license.

I almost forgot – the contact page has undergone a big change. I added a new contact form, in hope, that it will help me to deal with constantly repeating questions. It also help you to be more organized when ordering custom icons and now you can see the rough price long before you send your inquiry ;)

Speaking of custom icons inquiries: I also wrote a blog post about my own custom icons process, which should help you to get a better idea about what to expect and for what to prepare – I dare to say, that information and process described in this post is valid for most of icon designers, so it might be worth to check it out ;]

Jan Kovařík

Jan Kovařík

Hi, I'm Jan, an independent graphic designer and the creator of GLYPHICONS. I've been designing these icons since 2010. I'm all about brand identity, creating logos and everything that represents your business for more than eighteen years.